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Shipping Container Homes for Sale in Adelaide

Who hasn’t dreamed of owning a home? After all, owning your own home is the Great Australian Dream.

However, many people (especially younger people) are caught in a dilemma where the rising prices of materials coincide with more expensive labour and even costlier real estate. This is why more and more people are driven to the suburbs and beyond to find more reasonably priced land or accommodation.

So, is owning a home a possibility for Australians today? Especially younger Australians entering the first home market?

The quick and easy answer for many Australian’s is a resounding ‘NO.’ But what if there was a way to circumvent the normal home build costs, and still get the home of your dream?

Enter: shipping container homes! The environmentally sound and cheaper alternative!

A Versatile and Pocket-Friendly Housing Option

Shipping containers are plentiful, portable and very affordable, making them the perfect green solution to modern housing concerns. 

Of course, the life span of a shipping container is based on the purpose for which it was built, which is to store cargo and various goods while being shipped at sea. However, that shouldn’t stop you from choosing to build a shipping container home!

In fact, container homes have been on-trend for a number of years now – and there are no signs of this stopping anytime soon. The growing popularity of tiny houses and sustainable living projects has led to the steady demand for shipping container homes.

With a shipping container home, you can very quickly and easily purchase a series of 20′ or 40′ containers and get them modified to to suit your living requirements. And we can definitely do all the work for you at Shipping Containers Adelaide.

Whether you want a single-container home, several individual ‘tiny homes’ or a full-fledged multi-level, multi-room container mansion, anything is possible – especially if you partner with Shipping Containers Adelaide.

And aside from all the above, people today are also aware that the Earth’s resources are rapidly being depleted. So, everyone has to do their part to come up with eco-friendly, sustainable and cost-effective means to achieve their goal of owning a home. And a container home from Shipping Containers Adelaide is the perfect way to do just that!

A Greener Way of Living

While the steel used in making shipping containers can be recycled, the recycling process can be quite energy intensive.

Shipping container homes are the better, more eco-friendly way to reuse and refurbish the containers, so they can be turned into personal living spaces.

Since shipping containers are plentiful and easy on the wallet, it will be a breeze to purchase the shipping containers you need to build your dream home. In fact, you can own a used shipping container for just about two thousand dollars. However, you need to note that pricing also depends on the availability of used containers in your area. And then you need to add in the cost to modify and join them per your requirements. 

Their portability also makes shipping containers perfect for would-be homeowners who plan to expand their home’s footprint down through the years, or who need several containers to build their new home. There’s no need to spend on construction-related costs and labour, too. We can handle all the modifications and siting issues for you.

DIY Container Homes

If you’re quite handy with tools and can easily follow instructions shared online through videos or written content, going the DIY route might be a good option.

This is a cheaper way to modify and customise your shipping container if you have the engineering skills and know how to pull it off. So, with a bit of research, sage advice and some helpful online videos, maybe you’ll be ready to DIY your future container home!

And we’ve got a whole range of shipping containers at Shipping Containers Adelaide for you to choose from to get you going. 

You can opt for a 10-footer, 20-footer or our sizeable 40-footer. As long as you have the space and permissions necessary, you can build your container home as small or as big as you want.

We can also assist you if you need specific accessories and joining kits for your shipping container conversion project.

Or...Let Us Build Your Container Home for You!

In all things in life, you get what you pay for. And as nobody knows how to modify containers like we do (we’re the leading modification company in Australia), it’s safe to say that you’d be better off leaving the design and build of your container home to the experts.

So why not let us in on the design of your dream container home and we’ll be happy to build it for you.

After all, you might be too busy to devote time to a DIY container home project to finish it in time for your target moving day, or you might not have the skills and know how to ensure you don’t make costly mistakes during the process of conversion.

So, don’t be too hard on yourself, and let Shipping Containers Adelaide take over. It is after all, what we do!

Talk to us today and let us know exactly what you want in your container home. Give us a list of must-have accessories and we’ll fit them all right in, including your air conditioning, lighting, ventilation, insulation, electrical and plumbing systems etc.

We’ll integrate cooking, dining and toilet facilities, and partition your new property based on the approved architect’s design.

Shipping Containers Direct will be there with you from the start to the end of your container home project. We’ll be lending our engineering and technical expertise to ensure you get the container home you’ve envisioned for yourself.

Check Out Our Portable Container Home Projects

Big or Small - We Have the Perfect Shipping Container Home For You

No project is too small or too big for us when it comes to converting shipping containers into comfortable, functional and beautiful homes or portable accommodation.

We have both simple pre-designed options as well as the ability to customisable containers to fit your exact requirements.

Best of all, you’ll be saving a lot from your decision to own a container home, no matter what type you go for, so congratulations for making an eco-and budget-friendly decision to own your own home!

Shipping Containers Adelaide

We are familiar with almost all shipping container uses and are experts at designing spaces that are efficient, affordable, and functional. All of our shipping containers are durable, portable, eco-friendly, and reusable. An Australian shipping container is a budget-friendly solution to storage, transport, and business needs.

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